The Spyglass component has a set of functional and non functional Requirements.
The following requirements are derived from the accepted overarching requirements approved by the customer.
Functional Requirements#
See Experiment on Webpage#
- It must be possible to integrate a live view of the experiment into a webpage.
Automatically start on Bootup#
- The solution needs to be able to start and broadcast without user input, when booting.
Simple integration into existing Projects#
- The solution should be easy to integrate into a existing webpage.
Non-Functional Requirements#
- The solution should to work with chrome, firefox and safari.
- The frontend must run stably for 3 hours.
- The video should run with more than 10 fps.
- The delay to display the information may not exceed two seconds.
- The bandwidth requirements should not exceed 5 MBit/s pre stream.
- Multiple clients should be able to view the stream at the same time
- The image should be rotatable by 90°.
- The client must be usable with LTE.
- Should target Raspberry Pi OS 32-bit Buster.
- Current project is based on Buster and video stack on Bullseye has breaking changes, see libcamera