Frontend thoughts#
TODO Redo Page or in sub Folder
Here is a assortment of random thoughts about the frontend
Limit rerender by not using state changes in higher components, triggering subsequent rerender of whole tree
SSE events go into event queue and are dealt with in batches -> every 50ms -> no smooth update possible
on requestanimationframe to make updates smoother
antd to make styling easier, bloats the bundle size.
tailwind as alternative
perhaps interesting
synchronize video and graphs ? if possible how
perhaps what kind of player?
extension janus makes problems -> when
janus.js defaultExtension checks in init for == 'janusGotScreen' && cache[]
this test fails with type being undefined when another application sends messages that are not in the expected format.
This test is more stable and does not error if a unknown message is received. && == 'janusGotScreen' && cache[]
in line 72 and 84 of janus.js
uplot has a problem in 1.2.1 when no y-scale and no initial values for the data is used. something about wsc.range not defined. Initialize with a value and it works
solved in 1.2.2